
“How To Play A Very Powerful Gospel Song, Motivate Yourself And Inspire Others."

Dear Friend:

Have you ever listened to a song that touched you emotionally, made you feel good and truly inspired you?

If your answer to this question is yes, then you have probably felt this on more than one occasion.

Why does a song have the ability to go straight to your soul?

We may never truly be able to answer this question.

BUT, as I am sure you have witnessed, this can occur many times.

One of the very powerful songs played in gospel music, ESPECIALLY SOUTHERN GOSPEL music has this effect.

The song I am talking about is “Blessed Assurance.”

“If you watch people and how they act or react when this song is played in the church, you will see some amazing things!”

Sometimes you will see people slowly waving their hands, others singing along, and even some standing and swaying from side-to-side.

You will notice many different things people are doing.

Blessed Assurance is just ONE OF THOSE SONGS that has the POWER to do this!

“Better yet, Blessed Assurance is one of those songs you can learn to play on the piano that will MAKE YOU AND OTHERS LISTENING TO YOU FEEL MOTIVATED AND INSPIRED.”

In the church, we call this FEELING THE SPIRIT!

My new program is called “Playing Gospel Sounds 11 - Blessed Assurance.”

This program is designed to teach you how to play Blessed Assurance in a very POWERFUL way.

In the ”Playing Gospel Sounds 11 – Blessed Assurance program, you will learn:

- How to play the song the same way you hear me playing in the video
- How to keep your song flowing and moving in order to feel the motivation and inspiration
- How to combine easy chords with more advanced chords to maximize your sound
- How to add a turnaround progression to the song to keep it interesting
- How to play a great sounding intro and ending
- How to play the famous “gospel octaves” in the ending
- And much more

“You will FEEL THE POWERFUL EMOTIONAL IMPACT RIGHT AWAY as you start learning “Blessed Assurance!”

As you progress more and more through this lesson, not only will YOU keep feeling the powerful effect of this song, but THOSE LISTENING TO YOU will feel it also.

Just imagine for a few seconds what this will FEEL like.

Can you feel the goosebumps yet?

“This is an experience that EVERYONE should feel at some point in their musical lives.”

“There is nothing like it in the world!”

In “Playing Gospel Sounds 11 – Blessed Assurance,” you are going to learn all of the above and a lot more.

You will be able to play the song extremely close to the way you hear me playing it in the video.

I will be taking you by the hand and walking you through the song step-by-step.

You will learn to play this song with the chords, chord voicings, fancy gospel octaves and more using just enough contemporary and ‘old-school’ voicings to get you in the ‘zone.’

Plus, you will even receive a special bonus with your order.

The Special Bonus program, , "Fabulous Intros To Add To Any Song You Play," will teach you cool progression-based intros using very nice sounding chords you can add to any song you play that will give you a “Professional” sound.

Just click on one of the buttons below to begin your gospel piano lesson experience.

Let’s have some fun!

All the best,

Charley Wyser

P.S. You will now be able to play something that is truly motivational and inspirational that will make you and others around you feel good!

P.P.S. You will receive the Special Bonus program, "Fabulous Intros To Add To Any Song You Play," when you order right away!

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7 Videos
includes Special Bonus Video:
"Fabulous Intros To Add To Any Song You Play"