"Jazzy Holiday Sounds, Song 3
Deck The Halls"

In "Jazzy Holiday Sounds, Song 3 - Deck The Halls", you will learn:

- How to create a simple, but powerful intro that you will be able to play in many different songs.
- How to add a chord under every single melody note, if you wish.
- How to incorporate fancier chords (7ths, 9ths, 13ths, altered chords) into your songs
- How to "pedal" certain bass notes to add that very "jazzy" flavor to your songs.
- How to add bass lines to certain parts of your songs.
- How to add a very powerful ending that you can add to many of the songs you already play.
- How to add a little rhythm to your songs to make them more danceable.
- And much more

Plus, you'll receive the Special Bonus video,
"Advanced Chords For Endings"
when you order right away!

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